Sunday, 26 July 2015

Down The Rabbit Hole

Quote From Alice In Wonderland

Do you ever have those days where you feel so completely mental that you just feel hysterical? Like you cant stand to even be in your own skin? The only way I can think to describe it to those who havent been through it is just a complete feeling of restlessness or losing control.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Just Keep Swimming

I spoke in my last post about the unhelpful thoughts that circulate in my head. I recently heard the quote above and it really stuck with me.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Don't Leave Me Alone With My Mind

I've really not been feeling good lately. I'm starting to wonder if I'm "relapsing" or if this is just the way I'm going to be forever (god please no). I've noticed, particularly over the last few days, I've been getting very angry. Angry at everything and everyone, utterly miserable in my life. Those pesky obsessive thoughts are getting more and more powerful, so much so that I feel like I'm rapidly losing what little control over myself and my emotions I thought I had regained.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

The Expectations Of Others

Photo Source - Friend posted on Facebook
Sometimes I put a lot of pressure on myself. Not because of what I want, but because of what other people want. The picture above really stuck with me when I saw it because its so very true. 

Monday, 13 July 2015

Peace Is Not So Easy To Find

Image Source
Do you ever have those days where you just think see if I wasn't here, things would be so much better? I don't mean you actively think about dying (though I have to admit I sometimes do), its just not being here. Not being dead, not being somewhere else, just not being here, having everything just stop. Do you know what I mean?

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Don't Be So Hard On Yourself...

Image Source
Like many first blog posts I'll start this one off by saying I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for my first blog post. I could ramble on about myself and my problems but thats not really the right tone for a first post. Though this blog is about my current mental health struggles, I want the overall tone to be hopeful. I've had some very very low days recently but I'm still here, hopeful that the next day will be better, as difficult as that is sometimes.